Tuesday 14 April 2015

MLA Format Cover Page

MLA Format cover page must be made for every report prepared by a university student. The MLA cover page is a standard type to write essays. The essay required by a professor is a work for the students. Students should prove their research skills, follow rules with care and detail, and properly cite all the books, articles and papers they used to finalize the work. There are many free online tools created to help a student to create a perfect page for the cover.

The tool will analyze the paper and check for all the written rules. If the paper has errors, the program will notify the student, who will be able to correct errors and submit the paper for a second check. Most of these tools are free because advertisements support them. Webmasters who host such tools make money with advertisements so to compete with other MLA format cover page tool makers. Therefore, the webmaster does his best to ensure the online checking tool is error free.

The other way to verify the page quality is, manually check the paper or to give someone else who is interested in such tasks. Student can even hire a freelancer to check the paper. The MLA format cover page consists of a title at the top of the page followed by the name of the author in the center. Finally, the bottom of the page has the class name, professor name and date.

The MLA format cover page exists to help the student write better essays, it does not want to tear the student down. Student might feel a little upset about following so many rules in the beginning. However, after learning the format they would realize that essay rules are indeed friendly. The MLA is a student's friend. It gives the student an opportunity to create work in a language that not only everyone can read but also understand and search for easily.

Everyone has recognized the importance of MLA format cover page standard. When a person has a work written following the MLA format standard in his hands, it gives an impression that the work has MLA style of writing.

So the reader can search for the piece of information required, in an easy way. An essay cover page with no rules is not called an essay. It is rather a random combination of characters and words to make a sentence deprived of any meaning full information. MLA format cover page is any day more informing and useful.

Building A Subscriber List For Raging Profits In 3 Easy Steps

A list of opt-in subscribers that you can mail to is going to be the ticket to writing your own paychecks if you're doing any type of business online. Email is still the most effective method of direct marketing on the internet as we know it, There is nothing better than a personal message inviting readers to take action to buy or to find out more information and get a sign up to our program etc.

Just like many businesses, it's a numbers game. The size of the customer base is going to reflect on its success. It's the same online. The bigger the list, the more prospects are going to see your sales message, resulting in more sales.

The big question is then, how do I build an opt-in list of prospects I can email? There are several techniques to apply but there are some things that are essential.

You need an autoresponder. You need a web site. You need traffic. Once you have those 3 essentials, you are set up ready to start building a list. Here are three list building tips I have used to generate more subscribers (and a secret for each)-

1) Pop Ups - In all the different versions you can find (slide ins, drop ins, pop under, exit pop) Offer

something free in the pop up to capture names and email addresses. You can find numerous free pop-up creating software if you do a search in your favourite search engine.

The secret to pop-ups is not to make it too big and distracting. If it blocks the headline, your visitor will be irritated and will click on the dreaded X faster than you can say "Adios Amigo".

2) Squeeze pages! Also known as a splash page. A short web page with a subscription form enticing visitors to sign up with their name and email address in exchange for a free report or free newsletter subscription or ecourse.

The secret with a squeeze page is to make it a no-brainer for visitors to sign up. Make sure the benefits of what you are offering are clear and offer something of value and put that in dollars on your squeeze page. Eg. "5 Day List Building eCourse! A $67 Value! Yours Free Today!" Make the squeeze page easy on the eyes to read and see exactly what they're getting. No long boring essay and no distracting banners or other links.

3)If you're in the internet marketing (make money online) niche, there is often a mini giveaway event. You can build a list by joining a giveaway and giving away a product that a visitor can download in exchange for their name and email address. Contribute a gift you can give away for free. Be careful that you don't violate the rights the creator of the product has set.

The secrets to giveaways is giving away something that's original and something that will appeal to a wide audience. Old resale rights products that have been thrashed don't work!

Tips on Writing A Good College Admission Essay

Writing a college admission essay can be a very daunting task. Even though it is only 500 words you must write, it can be the hardest part of the college application process. There are two goals that you must accomplish with your essay; first you want to convince the admissions officer that you are worthy of admittance to their college, and second you want to show them that you are not just a GPA or standardized score, you are a real person that wants to represent their college.

Unfortunately there is no sure-fire method for writing a college admission essay. But using college admission essay examples are a good way to find some ideas to get started. Below are some tips and examples for you to use while you are writing your college admission essay.

1. Answer the essay question. The college application question is the most important part of the essay. No matter how well you compose your essay, if you do not answer the essay question you will not be accepted to the college.

2. Your work should be original. If you are writing about a competition that you trained for, do not start the essay by saying "I trained for many hours a week to get prepared for this competition", that is a very generic statement and does not show creativity. Try using a more descriptive sentence by writing "I would wake up at 4:00 every morning, start my training routine, and even though I was soaked with sweat and exhausted I would still make it to school on time". This will show you dedication to whatever competition you were competing in, but you did not allow it to get in the way of your studies.

3. Be yourself. The admissions officer wants to know about you and your writing abilities. Choose a topic that is meaningful to you, and write more about your feelings and not so much about your actions. Unless current events are something you follow with great interest, you want to stay away from the grand themes in which you may have very little personal experience.

4. Do not "Thesaurus" your essay. Most students think they need to use big words in there essays. The use of big words is fine as long as they are used in the appropriate context.

5. Spend most of your time writing your introduction. Admission officers usually have 1 to 2 minutes to read each essay. This means that they only have the chance to read the introduction paragraph of each essay, so you will need to grab their attention in the first paragraph.

6. The body paragraphs must relate back to the introduction. You body paragraphs must be related to the topic in your introduction. And you must use transition when starting another paragraph. If you abruptly change topics when start a new paragraph your essay will not flow and it will be hard for the reader to understand.

7. Have others proofread your essay. After you have written and proofread your essay, ask a few family members and friends to also read over it for you. Having another person's opinion of your essay can provide insight that you did not see, and my find a few grammatical errors that slipped past your proofreading.

8. Revise as much as you need. You are only giving 500 words to express yourself; you will want to use them wisely. Remove things from your essay that do not relate back to the main topic. Is your introduction and conclusion more than just a summary? Did you correct all of the grammatical errors? These are just some of the questions you will need to ask yourself.

9. Professional Editors. The application essay is way to important not to spend about $50 to have a professional proofread it. This will improve your essay's style, transition, and grammar. They can also offer suggestions to make your essay unique and stand out to the admissions officer.

The most important thing you need to remember is to take your time when writing your essay. Reading through college admission essay examples can help you be more prepared to tackle your own essay. It can be very stressful to write this kind of essay; don't try to write it all in one day, or one sitting. Write a rough draft and then take a break for a little while. But don't hesitate too long and get stuck trying to write it all in one night.

Teaching Writing - Why the Concept of Newness Has Been Missing

It is no secret that classroom teaching of writing across the nation is based on the principles of Rhetoric. And, of course, Rhetoric is all about forms and has nothing to do with newness and creativity. In fact, you might even say that the originators of Rhetoric, the Greeks, actually suppressed the concept of creativity.

Suppressing the concept of newness occurred with the ancient Greeks (around 1100 B.C. - 146 B.C.) because they believed nature was perfect, made by the Gods, and mankind could not improve upon it. So their culture, art, architecture, music, sculpture, and inventions revolved around searching for the rules of nature and imitating them, rather than being creative about, and with, the rules and principles of nature.

In the Greek mind, men were not creators like the Gods, and so they had no word or term that directly corresponded to our word creativity. The ancient Greeks did make an exception for poetry, however, the one art in which they believed man could be thought of as making something. For the Greeks, nothing could be created new under the sun-except in poetry. In their idea of creativity, the early Christians were similar to the Greeks, yet more extreme.

Early and Medieval Christians believed that God created the world and everything in the universe out of nothing, so creativity or creatio (Latin) was a special attribute of His. Thus, Christians thought it was presumptuous of man-irreverent, disrespectful, even sacrilegious, to claim to have that godly ability, thereby cleverly denying mankind the honor of creativity and all the generating of newness that would go with it. Going the Greeks one better, the early Christians even extended that exclusion of creativity to poetry, as well as to all the rest of the arts.

For the Judeo-Christian culture, Ecclesiastes 1:9 (written around 250 B.C.) of the Old Testament expressed it well:

The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
So for Christians, it was impossible for mankind to create anything new under the sun, even in poetry. Sorry about that one-upmanship, Greeks!

But a shift occurred in modern times, and in the Renaissance men developed a sense of their own independence, freedom, and creativity. The first to actually apply the word creativity was the Polish poet Maciej Kazimierz Sarbiewski, who applied it exclusively to poetry in the early 1600's. But for over a century and a half, the idea of human creativity met with resistance, due to the fact that the term creation was reserved for creation from nothing.

The formal starting point for the scientific study of creativity is generally accepted to have been J. P. Guilford's 1950 address to the American Psychological Association, which popularized the topic and focused attention on a scientific approach to conceptualizing creativity and measuring it.

Other pursuers of the concept of creativity have taken a more pragmatic approach, teaching practical creativity techniques. The three most well-known are:

Alex Osborn's brainstorming technique (1950s to present)
Genrikh Altshuller's (a Russian patent clerk) Theory of Inventive Problem Solving for scientific engineering (called TRIZ, 1950s to present)
Edward de Bono's lateral thinking techniques (1960s to present).
So not until 1950 was the concept of creativity fully accepted, as applied to man! It has been only 59 years!

Now if we can just get someone to thoroughly apply the concept of, What's new to the reader, to the teaching of writing, we might make some real progress in writing pedagogy.

WHOA! You're probably thinking, That's a pretty strong statement. I'm not so sure about that.

Okay, then - let's try a little mental experiment by applying the WHAT IF test to Rhetoric-

WHAT IF an essay (or any other form of writing) has used every possible Rhetorical device and strategy possible, so that it is perfect as far as Rhetoric goes.
Further, WHAT IF the audience has already heard or read the ideas, the specifics, and the presentation, before?
Wouldn't you agree, then, given those conditions, that the essay (or whatever) will be a failure because it has nothing new to say to the reader?

Some how, I just knew you'd see it my way.

3 Factors Affecting Computer Performance

Many people ask themselves "why is my computer so slow?" There are many who own computers but are not that computer savvy. So, it is only natural that they are not aware of some of the common problems that can slow down the performance of the computers. With a few simple tips, you will be well on your way to having your computer function at top performance in no time at all. The three top factors that can slow a computer down are Spyware, a cluttered registry and unwanted desktop items.

Spyware is one of the leading causes of a slow computer. These spyware programs are known as malicious programs that attach themselves to the back of your computer, so that its maker can monitor your internet activity. It would definitely help if you could invest in a good anti-spyware program to prevent this from happening. This usually comes with an anti-virus program which scans your system to remove the spyware and all other viruses. Once you have had the software installed, it is advisable for you to scan your computer at least once a week to remove and prevent these unwanted "pests" from affecting your computer and its performance.

Having a cluttered system registry can really slow one's computer down as it is packed with unnecessary registry files. Registry files are very important to a computer as they contain preferences and settings for your computer. However, unwanted files get added into the system's registry each time you add a new software or hardware into your computer. Unfortunately, they will clutter your system's registry even after you remove or delete the software or hardware. This is because they usually remain in your registry long after you remove and delete the programs, and you might not even be aware of its existence. Nonetheless, you can fix this problem by using a registry cleaner software. A registry cleaner scans your computer and removes these unnecessary registry files. When a scan is done, it will generate a list of unneeded registry files for you to delete. This will help your computer run smoother and faster when you run applications and other programs the next time. A registry cleaner can thus help optimize your computer and improve its overall performance.

The last cause of a slow running computer can be found on your desktop. Many find that they love the convenience of having shortcuts on their desktops as well as high-resolution wallpaper and animated cursors. Unfortunately, all of these things can slow down your computer as it uses up valuable system resources. It is better to shut these items off and not use them when you are working on the computer. This will free up some memory space in your computer, letting it run more smoothly and efficiently

If you want your computer to work at its best, it is important that you take the necessary steps to reduce the occurrence of these problems. By cluttering up your registry, leaving spyware embedded in your computer and cluttering up your desktop, you can greatly affect the overall performance of your computer. So avoid them and carefully tend to these three factors to help your computer run like new again.

Essay Edge Editing Service Review

Essay Edge is a service that takes the essay that you have prepared and reviews it in order to work with you to make it better. Why is this important? When you are attempting to gain admission into a college or grad school it is often a well written essay that will make or break your application. The higher the level of school, the higher the level of quality that is expected with your essay and it is Essay Edge's goal to help you with that quality.

Essay Edge will take your essay and within 48 hours of less they will address any grammar, spelling, and typo errors that may be present. Then they will give your essay a full critique and offer you suggestions as to how you can re-write your essay and make it more appealing. This will allow you the confidence you want while applying to the school of your choice.

The team of writers that works for Essay Edge are among the tops in the industry and many of them hale form such learning institutions as Yale, Harvard, Stanford, and Columbia to name but a sampling. The five categories that the Essay Edge writers focus on are:

1. College
2. Graduate School
3. Business School
4. Law School
5. Medical School

With so many trained writers on staff they truly have a unique and broad spectrum of writers that are sure to be able to cover just about any essay that you can throw their way. A bright note about Essay Edge writers is that they enjoy a 97 percent customer satisfaction rate which means that there are not too many people that use their service and leave with a bitter taste in their mouth.

What is even more impressive that that stat though is the fact that of all those who use their service, 82 percent of them get into the school that is first on their list. With those odds it is easy to see why their customer satisfaction rate is so high.

Essay Edge has been in business since 1997and their roots with education run deep. They are part of the Nelnet family which is closely associated with education and education funding. With such a big name behind them, Essay Edge has a lot of credibility.

Dante's Inferno Summary - The Grafters in Hell

Dante's Inferno contains many terrifying scenes. One of which is when Dante and his traveling companion, Virgil, encounter the Grafters in Hell...

A devil carrying a soul of the damned in his claws runs toward Dante and Virgil. They watch in horror as the devil throws the sinner into a river of boiling tar... This is the circle of the grafters, those corrupt politicians who abused their authority in office. Florentine politics are evident in this canto where the fraudulent leaders who exiled Dante the poet from his home reside. These souls are condemned to live eternally in boiling tar with the devils constantly prodding them under with pitchforks (Dante compares it to chefs pushing down the meat in a stew).

Virgil has Dante hide behind a rock while he talks to the leader of the devils explaining that they are to pass through Hell on God's command. The bridge to the next level is broken, and the devils agree to lead Dante and Virgil to a good bridge to cross. After coming out of hiding, Dante is terrified and wary, while Virgil is confident in the devil's word. As it turns out, Dante's fears are justified. Dante then moves further down into Hell...

Guided by the demons, Dante and Virgil witness a grotesque comedy of horrors in the circle of the grafters. They see the souls of the grafters squatting on the shores of the burning river of tar, however when the demons approach, the damned must dive underneath the tar to escape torture by the devils. In one terrifying scene, a soul who was too slow to escape was held in the claws of a demon, about to be ripped apart. Just as he did on earth, this soul uses his ability to lie and deceive in order to escape from the devils. He promises the devils that if they hide out of sight, he will issue a secret signal to the other damned to come to the surface of the tar (thinking they are safe) so the devils can grab them all.

The demons fall for the ruse, and as soon as they are out of sight, the soul of the damned dives back under the burning tar and escapes. Dante compares this to frogs diving under water to escape predators. Two of the demons fly down after the soul but they are too late, they end up in the boiling tar themselves, only to be extricated without their prey, covered in tar. While all this is happening, Dante and Virgil escape from the ever increasing wrath of the devils. This is a canto that combines the terror of Hell with an almost slapstick comedy of the bumbling demons.